About the Breed
The Rare Breed Coton de Tuléar is an amazing, pure-breed companion class dog that originated on the island of Madagascar over four centuries ago where they were bred for several centuries for their intelligence and for their profound attachment to humans.
Coton de Tuléar are long-lived, (over 15 years on average). They have enchanting personalities, and are very affectionate and even-tempered. Coton' antics are extremely engaging and their personalities are sure to warm even the most reluctant of hearts.
About the Breed
A Coton’s eyes are dark and warm and so expressive! They have a medium length muzzle and a black nose. The Coton's coat is from 4 to 6 inches long and is more hair-like than fur. Coton de Tuléar's produce “no dander” so most people who are allergic to dogs are not allergic to Cotons as a result. Coton hair does require regular grooming, and if well kept up, once past the blooming stage from puppy to adult, the coat is easily managed. The only shedding I have noticed is when they are being combed, or if combing is not done regularly.
There is a great deal of diversity in the Rare Breed Coton de Tuléar which is a factor that contributes to the health of the gene pool! Cotons can be all or mostly white or have varying degrees of coloring, with either champagne, tri-color, black and white, fawn, or black trim around the ears and occasionally some pale champagne, tobacco, or black on the face and torso. As a Rare Breed Coton de Tuléar pup grows older the color often fades, sometimes all the way to white. By the age of two, there may be only a hint of coloring left, or none at all. Our breeding program focuses on color diversity so there is potential for color within our breeding lines.
The history of the Coton de Tuléar can be described as mysterious, intriguing, exotic and romantic. Their adventuresome past certainly has led them around the world charming all those they meet. Although they are new to the modern dog world they're considered an ancient breed with origins possibly in Central Asia. This little white dog possibly made it's way from central Asia on trade caravans ending up in the Mediterranean Sea area. There is mention of small white dogs in the time of Aristotle who graced the elegant courts.
Though Cotons thrive in either desert heat or winter cold, the Coton de Tuléar is a housedog. Cotons do not do well in a kennel or being raised outside. Coton de Tuléar’s are bred for their attachment and companionship to humans. Coton de Tuléar's are very attentive to whatever their humans are doing and relish time spent with them. Some Cotons enjoy the outdoors and are very agile and run like the wind! They enjoy walking on their hind legs and will do so simply to please their human family. Cotons are very attentive to whatever is being said. Coton de Tuléars retain their puppy-like playfulness throughout their life.
The Rare Breed Coton de Tuléar is a wonderful, clownish, happy, adaptable, boisterous Companion dog. It should be an integral part of the family, content to sit on your lap or at your feet, and yet instantly ready for rough house play or to read your mind when you are thinking of a walk or a hike or a ride in the car.
Rare Breed Cotons are known for their intelligence, for their charming personalities, and for their suitability as a companion for condo and apartment dwellers as they do not require a lot of space. They are the perfect family pet for people who suffer from allergies as they produce no dander. They are an excellent therapy dog or emotional support dog and are good companions for both young and old alike.
Expect a dog you can take everywhere, one that has little or no shedding, little or no dander (a cause of allergies in people), little or no doggy odour, a dry hairlike coat that sheds dirt, a dog clean enough to sleep in your bed, and a dog that has no significant genetic disease built into the breed.
Code of Ethics
Ensure all the dogs under their care are treated as well loved pets with the same freedom and opportunity to be companion dogs.
Act with exceptional integrity. They say what they mean and do what they say. They stand behind their contracts and do whatever is necessary for the well being of their dogs.
Have a personal code of ethics that may extend beyond the code of ethics set forth by the American Coton Club.
Work together with the Coton Community for the genetic health and development of the Coton de Tuléar breed, as well as maintain the health of their dogs.
Preserve the genetic health of the Coton de Tuléar.
Take primary responsibility for re-homing any dogs they place if the need arises.
Commit to becoming better breeders and strive to continue their education as a breeder.
Provide lifetime support for their puppies and puppy buyers.
Find the best homes for their puppies.
Stand behind their puppies and contract for the life of the dog.
Provide the best possible socialization and care for their puppies to ensure a wonderful start in life.
Produce beautiful and well mannered puppies while maintaining a viable and vibrant gene pool.
Commit to health testing their Cotons on a regular basis, including a CERF examination at least every two years.
Provide the best possible care to new litters which includes socialization.